75. LOVE by The Cult

One of the classic post-punk/goth rock records of all time, “Love” came out in 1985 and served as a breakthrough for The Cult in the UK (that same level of success came in the US only after they changed their sound on the two subsequent albums). With Manchester’s own Billy Duffy on guitar and lead singer/shaman Ian Astbury both serving as the band’s songwriters, the music has Native American imagery paired with killer guitar riffs and solos throughout - Duffy with his trademark Gretsch White Falcon guitar is an image to behold. Aside from the very well known hits ‘Nirvana,’ ‘Rain’ and ‘She Sells Sanctuary’ my personal favorites are ‘Love,’ ‘Phoenix’ and ‘Revolution.’ Listen closely to ‘Phoenix’ - it’s essentially a song written around a 5-minute guitar solo!