155. THE BOY NAMED IF by Elvis Costello and the Imposters

This hot off the presses 2022 record proves that Elvis Costello is back. Actually, he never went away - this is something like his 33rd studio album. Previously covered here, The Boy Named If is a sort of return to form for Costello. In fact, I think this is the closest we have gotten to something akin to his first three albums from the late 70's. While the casual listener may wonder why his band is The Imposters rather than The Attractions, the more devout fans know that this is The Attractions minus the original bassist with whom relations with Costello had soured over the years. Getting back to the music, as soon as I heard album opener 'Farewell, OK' my immediate reaction was, "yes, more of this please." And, more of this there is - continue on with title track 'The Boy Named If' and 'Magnificent Hurt.' 'What if I Can't Give You Anything but Love?' should remind fans of The Beatles' Let it Be album of a certain song (spoiler alert) and finally 'Mr. Crescent' is a great way to close out the record on a quiet note.